Visitation Team of BAN PT in Professional Accounting Education Program (PPAk)

The team of assessors from the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT), Directorate General of Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia to the top visitation Studies Program of Professional Accounting Education Program (PPAk.) Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia on Day Thursday, April 9th, 2015.

Housed in a building MAKSI-PPAk FEB UI, UI Campus Salemba, assessor of BAN PT team consisting of  Prof. Dr. Sri Mulyani, AK, CA and Dr. Etna Nur Afri Yuyetta, M.Sc., Akt,  discussion and question and answer session begins between teams of assessors with the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia (UI FEB)  Prof. Ari Kuncoro, SE., MA., Ph.D ., FEB UI Vice Dean  Dr. Beta Yulianita Gitaharie, SE., ME. , Vice Dean II Faculty of UI  Vita Silvira, SE., MBA , Chairman of the Program Maksi-PPAk   Dr. Harja big Wasistha, CMA . Program Secretary Rafika Yuniasih, SE, Ak., MSM ,  along with the ranks of other managers.

1 Response
  1. Waalaikum salam , sama2 Mbak all rekans di kpamus, ya seneng juga sih bisa diskusi lagi di kelas .Mohon maaf jika pengajaran saya belum optimal , krn memang agak sedikit bentrok di minggu2 pertemuan kuliahdi minggu besok 29 Sep 2012 , saya ijin ganti kuliahnya ya krn saya harus tes kuliah juga di UI .Akan saya coba untuk komit ganti ya , silahkan klik materi pengganti yang akan saya jelaskan dikelas :Akuntansi Keuangan :Akuntansi saham , klik : rekonsiliasi Bank , klik :Manajemen Keuangan :Dasar- dasar Manajemen Keuangan , klik :

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